This work was funded as part of the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge which has an objective to enhance the production and productivity of New Zealand’s primary sector, while maintaining and improving the quality of the country’s land and water for future generations. The WebApps, case studies and research were undertaken as a collaboration between the following research partners.
Programme Lead Implementation Lead with support from Waverley Jones (engagement), Laura Keenan (scientific editor), Dr. Dimitrios Rados (data/ technical review), Lovisa Ekelund (case studies) and Fiona Death (ecological monitoring)
Te Ao Māori Lead with support from Dr Laura Kelly (ecological indicators) and Aneika Young (Te Hoire case study)
Science Lead with support from Dr Felipe Castro-Suarez (catchment modelling) and Dr Rupesh Patil (lakes)
Our Land and Water Chief Scientist
Mathematics Lead
Web tool developer
Groundwater lead with support from Matt Hanson Dumont and Evelyn Charlesworth
Groundwater - Pokaiwhenua case study
Phase 1 Co-lead
GIS analysis
Heli Wade, Rachel Russell and Peter Hamill
Ruihana Smith, Kristie Pakipaki - Te Hoiere case study
Haldleigh Putt and Andrew Lennox
K'Lee Begbie and Anaru Begbie - Pokaiwhenua case study
We would like to acknowledge the following collaborators for their contributions to this project.